Results for 'T. X. College Station'

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  1.  10
    Hans-Georg Gadamer's “On the idea of a system in philosophy” (1924).T. X. College Station & U. K. Coventry - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-27.
    This article is the first English translation of Gadamer's early essay “On the Idea of a System in Philosophy” (“Zur Systemidee in der Philosophie”) from 1924. Influenced by Marburg Neo-Kantianism and Heidegger's hermeneutic phenomenology, Gadamer is concerned with the problems that arise with the idea of systematicity in philosophy. In particular, he focuses on conceiving of an idea of a system that does justice to the historical variability of philosophical thoughts. He shows that systematicity and history are, in fact, not (...)
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    Pamela Walker: Growing good things to eat in Texas: Profiles of organic farmers and ranchers across the state: Texas A&M University Press, College Station, Texas, 2009, 167 pp, ISBN 978-1-60344-107-0.Patrick T. Lillard - 2010 - Agriculture and Human Values 27 (4):527-528.
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    James T. Andrews. Science for the Masses: The Bolshevik State, Public Science, and the Popular Imagination in Soviet Russia, 1917–1934. 256 pp., illus., bibl., index. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2003. $45. [REVIEW]Nathan Brooks - 2004 - Isis 95 (3):498-499.
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    Book Review: A Search for Unity in Diversity: The?Permanent Hegelian Deposit? in the Philosophy of John Dewey by James A. Good. [REVIEW]Frank X. Ryan - 2007 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 43 (1):216-225.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Search for Unity in Diversity: The "Permanent Hegelian Deposit" in the Philosophy of John DeweyFrank X. RyanJames A. Good A Search for Unity in Diversity: The "Permanent Hegelian Deposit" in the Philosophy of John Dewey Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2006. xxx + 288 pp.Among the revelations of Dewey's rare moments of autobiographical reflection, none has generated more curiosity and investigative zeal than his 1930 claim to have (...)
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  5. Book Review: A Search for Unity in Diversity: The?Permanent Hegelian Deposit? in the Philosophy of John Dewey by James A. Good. [REVIEW]Frank X. Ryan - 2007 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 43 (1):216-225.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Search for Unity in Diversity: The "Permanent Hegelian Deposit" in the Philosophy of John DeweyFrank X. RyanJames A. Good A Search for Unity in Diversity: The "Permanent Hegelian Deposit" in the Philosophy of John Dewey Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2006. xxx + 288 pp.Among the revelations of Dewey's rare moments of autobiographical reflection, none has generated more curiosity and investigative zeal than his 1930 claim to have (...)
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  6. Retelling selves through visual narratives: The Reciprocity of Culture and Identity.T. X. Karner - 1998 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 31 (2-3):145-160.
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    Corporate governance and corporate sustainability performance: evidence from the emerging Asian economies.Linh T. X. Nguyen - 2022 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 16 (4):403.
    This study investigates the relationship between corporate governance and corporate sustainability performance in the emerging Asian markets where the central role of sustainable development was perceived after the 2008 global financial crisis. We base our study on the triple bottom line approach that incorporates three dimensions of sustainability: economic, environmental, and social performance. A governance index comprising ten firm-specific provisions is proposed to summarise internal corporate governance. Consistent with agency theory, we confirm that firms with better corporate governance have better (...)
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  8. Réseaux GSM, 5e édition Revue et Augmentée.S. T. X. Lagrange & P. Godlewski - forthcoming - Hermes.
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  9. Foi, raison et université. Souvenirs et réflexions.Joseph Ratzinger & X. V. I. Benoît - 2019 - In Gabriele Palasciano, Dieu, la raison et l'épée: perspectives œcuméniques sur le Discours de Ratisbonne. Paris: L'Harmattan.
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    Diversity in feminist economics research methods: trends from the Global South.U. T. Salt Lake City, Annandale-On-Hudson USAb Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, C. O. Fort Collins, Markets Including Care Work, History of Economic Thought Public Policy, Labor Economics Currently Development, Macroeconomic Implications of Social Reproduction Her Research Focuses on the Micro-, Finance She is A. Labor Associate Editor for the African Review of Economics, Research Interests Related to the Division Feminist Economist, Definition of Both Paid Quality, How Households Unpaid Work, Formed Around These Types of Work Families Are Structured, Households How the State Interacts, Development The Editor of Feminist Economics She Was Recently Senior Economist at the United Nations Conference on Trade, Including the International Labour Organization Has Done Consulting Work for A. Number of International Development Institutions, the United Nations Research Institute on Social Development the World Bank & Macroeconomic Asp U. N. Women Her Work Focuses on the International - forthcoming - Journal of Economic Methodology:1-25.
    Using data on submitted and published manuscripts in Feminist Economics from 1995 to 2019, we examine differences in method and scope used by authors residing in the Global North and Global South. We specifically focus on research methods, intersectional analyses, region of analysis, and co-authorship status. Further, using logistic regression models, we examine the relationship between authors’ location and use of research methods. We find authors in the Global South are more likely to engage in empirical and mixed-methods papers compared (...)
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    Does the truth-conditional theory of sense work for indexicals?Mark Textor A. King'S. College, London & Uk - 2010 - Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 6 (2):119-137.
    The truth-conditional theory of sense holds that a theory of truth for a natural language can serve as a theory of sense: if knowledge of a theory of truth for a language L is sufficient for understanding utterance of L-sentences, the T-sentences of the theory 'show' the sense of the uttered object-language sentences. In this paper I aim to show that indexicals create a serious problem for this prima facie attractive theoretical option. The so-called 'instantiation problem' is that a truth-theory (...)
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    Dislocation nucleation in the initial stage during nanoindentation.H. Y. Liang, C. H. Woo, Hanchen Huang, A. H. W. Ngan & T. X. Yu - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (31-34):3609-3622.
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    Critical thickness for dislocation generation in epitaxial piezoelectric thin films.Biao Wang†, C. H. Woo, Qingping Sun & T. X. Yu - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (31-34):3753-3764.
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    X-ray micro-computed tomography of beech wood and biomorphic C, SiC and Al/SiC composites.T. E. Wilkes, S. R. Stock, F. De Carlo, X. Xiao & K. T. Faber - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (17):1373-1389.
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    Domain-specific rationality in human choices: violations of utility axioms and social contexts.X. T. Wang - 1996 - Cognition 60 (1):31-63.
  16.  6
    You Don’t Have to Be Bad to Work Here: Sustaining Ideals Inside Healthcare Institutions.Alan Cribb King’S. College London - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (12):23-25.
    Volume 24, Issue 12, December 2024, Page 23-25.
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    Types of marriages, population structure and genetic disease.T. M. B. Machado, T. F. Bomfim, L. V. Souza, N. Soares, F. L. Santos, A. X. Acosta & K. Abe-Sandes - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 45 (4):461-470.
  18.  40
    Gary E. Weir. An Ocean in Common: American Naval Officers, Scientists, and the Ocean Environment. xx + 404 pp., illus., bibl., index. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2001. $44.95. [REVIEW]Eric L. Mills - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):332-332.
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    Nanostructures and deformation mechanisms in a cryogenically ball-milled Al-Mg alloy.X. Z. Liao, J. Y. Huang, Y. T. Zhu, F. Zhou & E. J. Lavernia - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (26):3065-3075.
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    Significance of stacking fault energy on microstructural evolution in Cu and Cu–Al alloys processed by high-pressure torsion.X. H. An, Q. Y. Lin, S. D. Wu, Z. F. Zhang, R. B. Figueiredo, N. Gao & T. G. Langdon - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (25):3307-3326.
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    The Nature and Limits of Authority by Richard T. DeGeorge. [REVIEW]Patrick Lee - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (1):172-173.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:17~ BOOK REVIEWS sician, hiding the most important elements of his thought in obscure passages, burying the central concepts of his theory of language, and offering a sly double entendre (l\foDonough's reading of T 7) without giving the reader the slightest clue. But McDonough's account does not persuade; so we are not obligated to make this reassessment. JOHN CHURCHILL Hendrix College Conway, Arkansas The Nature and Limits of (...)
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    Elasto-hydrodynamics of quasicrystals.T. Y. Fan, X. F. Wang, W. Li & A. Y. Zhu - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (6):501-512.
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  23. Leibniz-Bibliographie 1993.T. I. B. Hannover & X. X. V. Band - 1993 - Studia Leibnitiana 25:213.
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    Probabilistic sentence satisfiability: An approach to PSAT.T. C. Henderson, R. Simmons, B. Serbinowski, M. Cline, D. Sacharny, X. Fan & A. Mitiche - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 278 (C):103199.
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    Bioethical Issues in Disclosing APOE Genetic Information in Research Programmes.T. S. Lee & C. J. X. Gan - 2013 - Asian Bioethics Review 5 (2):85-92.
  26.  48
    Alloying effect on grain-size dependent deformation twinning in nanocrystalline Cu–Zn alloys.X. L. Ma, W. Z. Xu, H. Zhou, J. A. Moering, J. Narayan & Y. T. Zhu - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (3):301-310.
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    A pointer's hypothesis of general intelligence evolved from domain-specific demands.X. T. Wang - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Beyond “pardonable errors by subjects and unpardonable ones by psychologists”.X. T. Wang - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (5):699-700.
    Violations and biases relative to normative principles of rationality tend to occur when the structure of task environments is novel or the decision goals are in conflict. The two blades of bounded rationality, the structure of task environments and the computational capacities of the actor, can sharpen the conceptual distinctions between the sources of the normative and descriptive gap.
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    Conservation combats exploitation: Choices within an evolutionary framework.X. T. Wang, Shu Li & Li-Lin Rao - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (4):437-438.
    Intentional change when viewed as making a risky or intertemporal choice with evolutionary relevance helps us understand its successes and its failures. To promote future-oriented ecological rationality requires establishing a linkage between nongenetic, cultural, and symbolic selections and genetic adaptations. Coupled with biophilic instinct, intentional conservation is more likely to prevail against evolved desires of environmental exploitation.
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    From Simon 's scissors for rationality to abc's adaptive toolbox.X. T. Wang - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (5):765-766.
    The smartness of simple heuristics depends upon their fit to the structure of task environments. Being fast and frugal becomes psychologically demanding when a decision goal is bounded by the risk distribution in a task environment. The lack of clear goals and prioritized cues in a decision problem may lead to the use of simple but irrational heuristics. Future research should focus more on how people use and integrate simple heuristics in the face of goal conflict under risk.
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    How is maternal survival related to reproductive success?X. T. Wang & Ralph Hertwig - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (2):236-237.
    Campbell's target article is a stimulating attempt to extend our understanding of sex differences in risk-taking behaviors. However, Campbell does not succeed in demonstrating that her account adds explanatory power to those (e.g., Daly & Wilson 1994) previously proposed. In particular, little effort was made to explore the causal links between survival (staying alive) and reproduction.
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    Reference point-dependent tradeoffs in intertemporal decision making.X. T. Wang & Jeffrey S. Simons - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (5):663-664.
    We agree with Ainslie's general approach to intertemporal choices and self-control. However, we argue that a concept of “will” is superfluous in explaining tradeoffs between SS (smaller and sooner) and LL (larger and later) rewards in a framework of temporal goal setting and goal aggregation. We provide an alternative framework of reference point-dependent tradeoffs between SS and LL options.
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    Influence of magnetic fields on structural martensitic transitions.X. -D. Yang, P. S. Riseborough, K. A. Modic, R. A. Fisher, C. P. Opeil, T. R. Finlayson, J. C. Cooley, J. L. Smith, P. A. Goddard, A. V. Silhanek & J. C. Lashley - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (22-24):2083-2091.
  34.  27
    Unusual quasiparticle renormalizations from angle resolved photoemission on USb2.X. Yang, P. S. Riseborough, T. Durakiewicz, C. G. Olson, J. J. Joyce, E. D. Bauer, J. L. Sarrao, D. P. Moore, K. S. Graham, S. Elgazzar, P. M. Oppeneer, E. Guziewicz & M. T. Butterfield - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (22-24):1893-1911.
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    A structure created by intersectingϵmartensite variant plates in a high-manganese steel.X. Zhang, T. Sawaguchi, K. Ogawa, F. Yin & X. Zhao - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (35):4410-4426.
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    Kinetics of ß-phase transformation in the heat treatment of FeSi2- and Fe2Si5-based thermoelectric alloys.T. J. Zhu, X. B. Zhoa & L. Lü - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (25):2865-2873.
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    Effect of proton and Ne irradiation on the microstructure of Zircaloy 4.X. T. Zu, K. Sun, M. Atzmon, L. M. Wang, L. P. You, F. R. Wan, J. T. Busby, G. S. Was & R. B. Adamson - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (4-7):649-659.
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    Effect of proton and Ne irradiation on the microstructure of Zircaloy 4.X. T. Zu *, K. Sun, M. Atzmon, L. M. Wang, L. P. You, F. R. Wan, J. T. Busby, G. S. Was & R. B. Adamson - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (4-7):649-659.
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  39.  21
    David L. Caffey. Frank Springer and New Mexico: From the Colfax County War to the Emergence of Modern Santa Fe. xvii + 261 pp., figs., app., bibl., index. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2006. $34.95. [REVIEW]Stephen Nash - 2007 - Isis 98 (1):189-190.
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    Returning Individual Research Results from Digital Phenotyping in Psychiatry.Francis X. Shen, Matthew L. Baum, Nicole Martinez-Martin, Adam S. Miner, Melissa Abraham, Catherine A. Brownstein, Nathan Cortez, Barbara J. Evans, Laura T. Germine, David C. Glahn, Christine Grady, Ingrid A. Holm, Elisa A. Hurley, Sara Kimble, Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz, Kimberlyn Leary, Mason Marks, Patrick J. Monette, Jukka-Pekka Onnela, P. Pearl O’Rourke, Scott L. Rauch, Carmel Shachar, Srijan Sen, Ipsit Vahia, Jason L. Vassy, Justin T. Baker, Barbara E. Bierer & Benjamin C. Silverman - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (2):69-90.
    Psychiatry is rapidly adopting digital phenotyping and artificial intelligence/machine learning tools to study mental illness based on tracking participants’ locations, online activity, phone and text message usage, heart rate, sleep, physical activity, and more. Existing ethical frameworks for return of individual research results (IRRs) are inadequate to guide researchers for when, if, and how to return this unprecedented number of potentially sensitive results about each participant’s real-world behavior. To address this gap, we convened an interdisciplinary expert working group, supported by (...)
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  41.  30
    Maura Phillips Mackowski. Testing the Limits: Aviation Medicine and the Origins of Manned Space Flight. xii + 289 pp., illus., bibl., index. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2006. $49.95. [REVIEW]Amy Foster - 2006 - Isis 97 (4):800-801.
  42.  42
    Dennis C. Williams. God’s Wilds: John Muir’s Vision of Nature. xiv + 246 pp., illus., bibl., index. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2002. $39.95. [REVIEW]Steven Holmes - 2005 - Isis 96 (3):456-457.
  43.  53
    Lionel Casson, J. Richard Steffy (edd.): The Athlit Ram. (The Nautical Archaeology Series, 3.) Pp. xiii + 91; 83 ills. College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 1991. $72.50. [REVIEW]J. S. Morrison - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (02):476-477.
  44.  22
    Timothy Moy. War Machines: Transforming Technologies in the U.S. Military, 1920–1940. xiv + 218 pp., illus., bibl., index. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2001. $39.95. [REVIEW]Barton Hacker - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):343-343.
    War Machines: Transforming Technologies in the U.S. Military, 1920–1940, is not as broad as its title might suggest. Timothy Moy does indeed propose a broad thesis, that institutional culture plays a large, though seldom acknowledged, role in technological innovation. But he addresses only two very particular case studies of military innovation between the world wars. The longer reviews the Army Air Force's development of the technology for precision bombing; the shorter examines the U.S. Marine Corps's development of the technology for (...)
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  45. David Benatar, ed., Life, Death, & Meaning. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2004, 407 pp.(indexed). ISBN 0-7425-3368-9, $39.95 (pb). Carlos Kevin Blanton, The Strange Career of Bilingual Education in Texas, 1836-1981. College Station, Tex.: Texas A&M Press, 2004, 216 pp.(in. [REVIEW]John Francis Burke - 2004 - Journal of Value Inquiry 38:585-587.
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    Sabrina P. Ramet, The Liberal Project and the Transformation of Democracy: The Case of East Central Europe. Eugenia and Hugh M. Stewart ’26 Series on Eastern Europe: College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2007. [REVIEW]Agnes K. Koos - 2008 - Human Rights Review 10 (4):615-619.
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  47. Factors that Drive Chinese Listed Companies in Voluntary Disclosure of Environmental Information.S. X. Zeng, X. D. Xu, H. T. Yin & C. M. Tam - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (3):309-321.
    Based on the institutional theory, this article attempts to examine two consecutive questions regarding the impact of various factors on corporate decision in environmental information disclosure (EID): (1) whether or not to disclose; and (2) the level of disclosure. The relevance of these factors is empirically tested using data collected from publicly listed manufacturing companies from 2006 to 2008 in China. Some interesting findings appear. We find that firms that are state-owned, those that operate in environmentally sensitive industries, those having (...)
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    The psychology of the Monty Hall problem: discovering psychological mechanisms for solving a tenacious brain teaser.Stefan Krauss & X. T. Wang - 2003 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 132 (1):3.
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    Strategic Human Resource Management as Ethical Stewardship.Cam Caldwell, Do X. Truong, Pham T. Linh & Anh Tuan - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (1):171-182.
    The research about strategic human resource management (SHRM) has suggested that human resource professionals (HRPs) have the opportunity to play a greater role in contributing to organizational success if they are effective in developing systems and policies aligned with the organization's values, goals, and mission. We suggest that HRPs need to raise the standard of their performance and that the competitive demands of the modern economic environment create implicit ethical duties that HRPs owe to their organizations. We define ethical stewardship (...)
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  50.  14
    Cyber-Personality and Liking Expression: A Study From WeChat Users in China.Haojian Li & X. T. Wang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Clicking the like button following a post on social media has become a common means of expressing and gathering social support online. Little is known about how liking expression is linked and regulated by personality traits and communication motives. Following a preliminary survey about the usage of the like function on WeChat, a Chinese social media platform, we conducted an online study to map the Big-Five personality traits and five communication motives to the frequency of liking expression. The results showed (...)
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